The June 2004 Quest for Paititi exploration team followed the direction of the Inca Road of Stone penetrating the northern reaches of Peru's Pantiacolla region and documented the Incas presence in this mysterious land east of the Andes. Explorer, Greg Deyermenjian and his Quechua-speaking native guides, Paulino and Alberto Mamani, "Goyo" Toledo and the film crew of Producer, Garrett Strang and Cinematographer, Erin Harvey slashed their way through thickets and underbrush for over two weeks to uncover a number of significant Inca ruins.

For nearly two decades, Deyermenjian and his crew have shed new insight into Inca culture and unearthed archaeological sites that have added to the understanding of its legendary empire, known as Antisuyu or Paititi. Based on local word of mouth and the findings from the team's 1999 expedition, the explorers believe their recent discoveries could be directly related to the legend of Paititi, given their strategic location to the Road of Stone.

Facing extreme conditions of frigid cold at altitudes at to 14,000 feet to steady heat under the Andean sun, the expedition team followed its course, despite several setbacks and fatigue. They landed by helicopter north of the Lago de Angel, an unmapped area until the last expedition (1999). They settled south/southeast of Lago de Angel where they documented the ruins of a series of caves with triangular monoliths to which the team wants to return.

Following a barely perceptible part of an unmapped Incan road between the Rio Paucartamblo and Rio Timpia, the team faced the drudgery of long, grueling treks into Peru's Pantiacolla region. While watching their footing, they looked for evidences of Inca trails that would connect Lago de Angel with Ultimo Punto- an area Paulino had become familiar with through local wisdom. They traversed the highland range of Tambocancha and descended steep tributaries of the Rio Mapacho. In the unexplored headwaters of the Rio Timpia that lie in the heart of the Plateau of Pantiacolla, they faced their most arduous journey so far.

Deemed a Flag Expedition by The Explorers Club, this expedition was professionally acknowledged and chronicled as an impressive history of courage and accomplishment as it furthers the cause of exploration and field science. Follow-up articles on the science and historical significance of the expedition are being published.

Maps of the discoveries, to include ceremonial platforms, tombs and an Incan compound- are being scrupulously constructed from on-location GPS data and from Greg's and Paulino's notes.

The expedition also followed another course - the making of a broadcast film. Producer/Director, Garrett Strang and Cinematographer, Erin Scott Harvey have done a superb job with filming each aspect of the expedition from the meticulous preparation for survival, to the unforeseen dangers of trekking into unknown territory, as well as the euphoria that drove them onward after each discovery. The rough-cut version of Image Studios' film captures the interminable passion and determination of this dedicated team and gives viewers a first-hand look at expedition life in this mystical and perilous land.